Monday, November 26, 2007

Calling Your New Guy & Sign to look out for in a man that HITS

personally i dont have a problem with her calling up the new guy so long the guy matches her calls with extra 5 calls ! yea !

you see, that you call a guy every 5 times in an hour really isnt the issue, it becomes an issue when the guy dose not call you as much as you call him. lets have two senarios here, if your new man deems it fit to call u evry 5 minutes just to talk to you probably cos you guys just met and love is so much in the air, then there really is no law that says you cant call him ones for every five times he calls you and that might make you call him say 10-20 times a day.

now senario two is this guy dose not call you at all or he calls just ones and then you call me 5o times extras in a day, that will practically drive him very far from you.

calling your steay man,

now when you guys have gone steady and chummy, the guy probably calls you ones a day, there is no rule that says you cant call him maybe two times ? a day. calling up your steady guy that you feel is constant in his love for you is not a problem at all but i advice people to ensure there is a balance in all you find yourselve doing in a relationship. when you meet a new guy that has not even asked you out yet pls DONT call him at all, that is a golden rule, and even when he has asked you out still apply the above rule in your calling him.

Signs to look out for in a man that 'hits'

i decided to put down a few things on this topic cos of the question linda ikeji had on her blog some time last week.

a man that hits a woman needless to say is a weakling and unfortunately there are no much signs to look out for in a man that hits his women.
i am firmly against abusive relationships hence my resolve to look deep into likely signs that woman beaters have but am sorry to say there is almost none to see. a man that hits a woman or have the tendency to hit a woman has just one give away. this kind of men when provoked, they tend to walk away from you almost immediately to avoid beating you, watch them closely you find that at that point in time they look for an object to hit or some one to lash out at. their fists at this time is so tight clenched that they struggle to keep it at their sides and at that moment they either walk away from you for a while or hit an object . my dears, other than these there jolly well are no signs that gives away a man as a violent man.

am going to ask this question and sincere comments or answers to it will be welcomed.

if your man hits you ones or for the first time what should you do?

watch out for the wisest thing to do in my next post.

take kare you all and thanx comrade for your comments.


Comrade said...

taI think I appreciate that you have accepted the fact that "unfortunately there are no much signs to look out for in a man that hits his women". I think until folks (females) accept this scary fact, there won't be much progress in stopping domestic violence. The problem is that most of the feedback has been one-sided. I think a guy's take on this issue would illuminate the darkness. I'll be putting up something along these lines the moment I'm through with my current series.

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

This is what Nicole Kidman is protesting against in the "Say No To Violence Against Women" global campaign with UNIFEM.

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