Tuesday, December 11, 2007

good sex = good relationship

hullo daryns, howdy?

i have been really busy at work, you know year end and all, coupled with the target i have had to give myself in other to get my book completed at least first quarter of next near. yeah ! i have this relationship book am trying to put together but believe me it's not been easy coming out with something different from all the relationship solution books littered all over the place. am working on having something extraordinary, something either of the sexes can pick up at any time and then learn to move on in life and to expect better things when faced with broken relationships and a lot more.

so back to todays business, my assumption is there are no minors amongs my readers and if am wrong about this, please my dears, if u know u are below 18 years please skip this post as you may find some words or phrases offensive.

good sex = good relationship, good relationship = good sex

sex unknow to most of all is the basic ingredient for a good relationship. now read btw the lines ladies, good sex is one thing that keeps your relationship alive.
every woman should be in touch with her sexuality, most women throw away their sexuality for the "nice girl" tag. most women forget that a woman can be sexy and sensual while being sophisticated. its high time women took active part in sex rather than waiting to be serviced. i know of women that can't even initiate sex due to the fear of being termed loose. i mean i can' begin to imagine why a woman can not enjoy love making with her man or initiate the act itself.

i have always told my friends that a woman can actually enjoy sex just as much as a man enjoys it while keeping her relationship without losing her self respect. you can actually guide your man to bring you satisfaction. you should be creative in bed ladies, am not saying that sex is the only way to a good relationship, rather am saying that good sex is one the things that can't be left out if you have it in mind to make your relationship a good one.

men cherish women who can confidently take charge in bed while retaining her sophistication out of bed. so ladies, please get in touch with the sexual side of your existence, make your self desirable, put on your romantic garmet and put some life into that relationship or marriage ! but rememba, DO NOT practice unsafe sex o, very important.

on a lighter note


Smart Bukari…………………………..

Bukary is a servant boy who every day drinks the wine of his Boss and to cover up for that he puts water in the bottle to replace what he drank. But the Boss having suspicions as to the quality of the wine, decides to buy pastis (a French wine that changes colour if you add water). Bukary as usual, takes a mouthful and add water to replace what he drank.However, soon after he added water the pastis became milky. When the Boss came backed and noticed it, he was sure he had managed to nail Bukary as thief!!!

At that same moment Bukary realized he was in trouble and decided to go into the kitchen. The Boss told his wife that "Cherished, you will see, he will be obliged to acknowledge ". He shouted: "Bukary!".
Bukary answered: "Yes, Boss".
"Who drank my pastis?".
No answer.
The Boss reiterated his question: still no answer. Then the Boss went to find Bukary in the kitchen and says to him: "You insane or what? Why when I call you you say "yes boss" but when I ask you a question you don't answer me? "

Bukary retorted that "It is that boss, when you are in the kitchen there, you don't understand anything at all, except the name " Then to prove that Bukary lies, the Boss says to him: "You stay beside Madam, me I go in the kitchen, and you ask me a question ". Bukary accepted.

The Boss went in the kitchen and Bukary shouted: "Boss". He answered: "Yes, Bukary". Bukary continued: "Who goes at the maid bedroom when the Madam is not there? ". No answer. Bukary shouted again: "Boss, I say who made the maid pregnant?" No answer. Third time; "Boss, I say who made the maid pregnant?"

The Boss returns from the kitchen running and says "Bukary: It is true, you are right, when one is in the kitchen, one does not hear anything, only the name ".



Joy Akut said...

sometimes it's good sex=bad relationship, being that a couple could have the most wonderful sexual experience together but have such a crappy relationship, n my lil mind is thinking, maybe thats why there's always most times 'breakup sex', even tho u both hate urselves, u dont mind having a go at it one more time..LOL'
haha..i love bukari!

Joy Akut said...

oh, and goodluck with ur book yeah?...ope we get to know when its released!

Comrade said...

The equation being dealt with here is GS=GR.
In Maths, in order to prove such an equation, you need to prove that the converse is true with NGS representing No GS and NGR representing No GR. So we come up with the equation
We could divide both sides of the equation by G and have
Finally since N is common to both sides, we further divide by N , we are left with
Really don't know how the final equation holds up in real life.

little miss me said...

i don't know why i beg to differ on the good sex=good relationship theory, there is so much more to a relationship than sex,as women we have so many other needs,but in a really shaky relationship,good sex could be the only duct tape holding the shattered pieces together so i kinda agree with you all over again lol

and then theres the issue of good sex=no relationship,with men who are just greedy players and women who fear giving it up too soon
so overall i would say, sexuality is extremely disruptive. The insecurities and emotions it stirs up can often cut short a relationship that would otherwise be deeper and long lasting.
but when in a relationship,women shouldn't be afraid to be sexy,try new things,be seductive,be more suggestive and be safe...just my humble opinion:)
yesss the story of bukary and his boss lmao!! haha poor boss!

Jinta said...

I think good sex certainly helps, though it's by no means a prerequisite. Agree with FQ, breakup sex is fantastic.

As for Bukary, I'm going to throttle him in his sleep for what he did to me.

Afrobabe said...

Good sex is definately good relationship jare...I mean how long can you remain angry with a brother that knows the game....me??? 3 minutes...infact you fight just to reconcile with the big S!!!

Thanks for dropping by.

diary of a G said...

as a dude I mut say I agree

I'll holla

anonymous gal(retired blogger) said...

hey good luck with the book u cosmo writer.

Jayn Sean said...

True thing. A woman enjoys sex more when she does that with somebody she loves and i gues the reverse is true too.

I love this post. Thanx for passing by my page the other time..

KimPossible said...

Hey Lady!

Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and sharing such nice comments. Wow, interesting blog. You MUST drop by my blog spot tomorrow because I am speaking on the same topic. Can't wait to hear your input.

Keep in touch.



hi, thanks for dropping by my blog and posting in, I was wondering if I could contribute to your blog but this time on male point of view.

diary of a G said...

Good sex also reduces crime.
its true
so the morale of the story is!?!
go fu@k somebody
I kid I kid

Jayn Sean said...

How you doing Ms?

Ms. emmotions said...

@ fantasy queen - sure will let you all know once its out. thanx darlyn.

@comrade - you indeed are a gr8 mathematician (winks), your equation makes sense to me o. thanx for dropping by dear.

@ little miss me- i quite agree wit u dear.

@ jinta- thanx jinta-gry for stopping by, am going check for the update on that puzzle of urs. lol.

@ thanx dear, u shuld see my new post on this

Ms. emmotions said...

@ diary of a g - why, thanx man

@ afrobabe - i feel u on that gal

@ - jaybabe, thank u too dear

@ kimpossible- i definately will drop by

@ simply beautiful - thanx, why dont u email it for me to see and then give u a responds? or u ve betta opinion on this? pls let me know and thanx again

Flourishing Florida said...

i once had a relationship, d sex was good cos he let me blossom. he himself was creative; so added to my knack 4 adventure, we really kicked it good. unfortunately, after a while other areas of us started being not up to standard. while we were still a great couple sexually, i knew i couldn't be happy remaining with him & we parted. since den, I've bin all sorts of situations. 1 who was good but was intimidated by my skills; 1 who sucked so badly & can't stand it dat i was better dan him; & 1 who was compatible wit me in bed but nowhere else. i don't regret ending dat other relationship, but sadly am still searching 4 a guy with his good qualities, minus his faults.

rethots said...

Hahaha.....laughed so much at boss's hypocrisy. But then, ain't we all gulty of that? Bukary....